Marcia C. Schenck has been appointed Professor of Global History at Potsdam University, Germany, by Brandenburg’s Minister of Science, Research, and Culture Martina Münch on October 23, 2019. Previously, she was a lecturer at the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institute, Free University Berlin, a visiting research scholar at Princeton University, and a guest of the director at the International Research Center Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History at Humboldt University, Berlin. She received her PhD in history at Princeton University in September 2017 and holds an MSc in African Studies from the University of Oxford. Her dissertation Socialist Solidarities and their Aftermath: Histories and Memories of Angolan and Mozambican migrants to the German Democratic Republic, 1975-2015, traces the migration experience and migrant memories of Angolan and Mozambican migrants to East Germany. Peer-reviewed articles have appeared in Africa, African Economic History, and Labor History, among others. Her research interests include the history of refuge seeking, migration history, labour history, African history, global history, microhistory, and oral history. She is passionate about teaching global history globally and has designed an online course that brings refugee learners and hosts country students from different countries together to undertake their own oral history research projects. For more information, see She has accepted a position as a Professor of Global History at the University of Potsdam in 2020.
Photographer: Maurice Weiss
Copyright: re:work Berlin